Category: Crop Protection,Insecticide,Herbicide,Fungicide,Herbicides
S. No. |
Product |
Dosage/acre |
Quantity |
1 |
Dhanutop (Dhanuka) |
500 ml/acre |
500 ml |
2 |
Fusiflex (Syngenta) |
400 ml/acre |
400 ml |
3 |
Phoskill (UPL) |
300-500 ml/acre |
500 ml |
4 |
Asataf (TATA) |
200-300 grams/acre |
500 grams |
5 |
Ulala (UPL) |
60 grams/acre |
60 grams |
6 |
Evicent (Syngenta) |
24 g/acre |
24 grams |
7 |
Priaxor (BASF) |
120 ml/acre |
120 ml |
8 |
Decis (Bayer) |
300-400 ml/acre |
500 ml |
Packaging Size
Product Details
Dhanutop (Dhanuka)
- Technical: Pendimethalin 30% EC
- Dosage: 500 ml/acre
- Control against: Annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds.
- Time of application: 15 before sowing or within 24 hrs of sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Paddy.
Fusiflex (Syngenta) - Technical: Fluazifop-p-butyl 13.4 %EC
- Dosage: 400 ml/acre
- Control against: Major grassy weeds
- Time of application: 15 - 20 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Soybean and Groundnut
Phoskill (UPL) - Technical: Monocrotophos 36% SL
- Dosage: 400 ml/acre
- Control against: Aphid, Jassid, Thrips, Whitefly
- Time of application: 20 - 30 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Chilli, Paddy, Pulses, Groundnut, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Vegetables and Fruit crops.
- Asataf (TATA)
- Technical: Acephate 75 % SP.
- Dosage: 200-300 grams/acre
- Control against: Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, White Fly and Lepidopteran compex
- Time of application: 30 - 40 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Chillies, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Vegetables, Fruits and Cereals
- Ulala (UPL)
- Technical: Flonicamid 50 WG
- Dosage: 60 grams/acre
- Control against: Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips
- Time of application: 45 - 50 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Paddy
- Evicent (Syngenta)
- Technical: Emamectin Benzoate 5% w/w + Lufenuron 40%w/w WG
- Dosage: 24 g/acre
- Control against: Fruit borers, Thrips & Mites
- Time of application: 60 - 70 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Chilli, Cabbage, Gram, Pigeon Pea, Tea, Soyabean
- Priaxor (BASF)
- Technical: Pyraclostrobin 333gm/ltr + Fluxapyroxad 167 gm/ltr
- Dosage: 120 ml/acre
- Control against: Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Anthracnose, Leaf spots.
- Time of application: 80 - 100 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Groundnut, Soybean, Maize, Grams, Onion, Potato, Grapes, Gourds.
- Desic (Bayer)
- Technical: Deltamethrin 2.8 EC (2.8% w/w)
- Dosage: 400 ml/acre
- Control against: Broad spectrum control of chewing and sucking insects like Thrips, Aphids, Jassids, White flies etc.
- Time of application: 100 - 120 Days after sowing
- Spectrum: Cotton, Chilli, Vegetables and Fruits
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