Category: Crop Protection,Insecticide
Curacron is formulated with profenofos which is an ideal partner for mixing in tank or ready-mix with established and new products with broad spectrum capabilities and extended history of good performance.
Packaging Size
Product Details
Chemical Composition | Profenofos 50% EC |
Dosage | 500-1000ml/acre |
Method of Application | Foliar spray |
Spectrum Target Pest Problems | White fly (Adults), Jassids, Thrips, Bollworms, Mites, Heliothis armigera Eggs, Mealy Bug, Budmite, Thrips |
Applicable Crops | Cotton, Chilli and Onion. |
- After feeding on a Curacron-treated plant or crawling over a treated leaf, the pest is first paralyzed and then quickly dies.
- Dosage for Different Crops
Cotton- White fly (Adults), Jassids, Thrips, Bollworms & Mites(800-1000ml/ acre); Heliothis armigera Eggs(250ml/ acre); Mealy Bug (800ml/ acre)
Chilli- Budmite (500-700ml/acre)
Onion - Thrips (500ml/acre)
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